Thursday, July 19, 2012

My New Blog

I finally bought the domain name and started a website there. I also added a blog that will replace this blog as my personal sounding board. I'm going to leave this blog here for as long as Blogger will let me, but I probably won't be posting here any more.

My new site,, is a place for people to learn more about my freelance services. If you came here looking for that information, you can head over to my new site and learn much more than what I have here.

It's kind of sad to drop this blog. The picture above (in the header) is a picture that reminds me of my mother. I imagine she looked much like that as a young woman when she was the secretary of the Vice President of Schenectady Trust Company, the bank that later became TrustCo and which was a well-respected financial institution in Schenectady in the 50s and 60s.